We're off to Orlando!

Eastern Samoa we do each summertime at this time, our DiabetesMine team is drift to the American Diabetes Tie's annual Scientific Sessions, a five-day conference organism held this yr in Orlando, FL, that gathers more or less 17,000 experts conjointly from across the globe to discuss the latest in diabetes search and treatments. It's basically the biggest diabetes get together in the ma.

The event runs from Friday, June 22 – Tuesday, June 26. We'Re besides hosting our #DData ExChange technology forum in Orlando on Fri, though it's non ADA-affiliated and is held off-site from the massive Orlando pattern center.

It's always an fulfill-packed five days, with attendees constantly on the move from primaeval morning to the many after-hours receptions and parties late into the evening. Seriously, we hardly have a moment to sit down at these immense gatherings, where hundreds of presentations are on alongside a sprawling exhibition hall.

We expect a lot of med-tech buzz this year, from updates on closed coil applied science (that wish automatise glucose monitoring and insulin delivery) to much bustle about freshly FDA-approved products like the Bluetooth-enabled OmniPod DASH system, the new Dexcom G6 endless glucose monitor, and Medtronic's stand-alone Guardian Connect CGM. And that's every just from the expo floor!

Official SciSessions hashtag:#2018ADA (yep, year before the org).

That being noted, we're pleased to report that ADA is taking a new approach to its controversial mixer media policy from years noncurrent. Their ban on sharing photos from this conference caused an uproar conclusion year and now the ADA has revised the policy by promoting a #RespectTheScientist approach that requires getting each speaker's permission before poster any photos or research/slides they are presenting. This is good news show of course, and we hope ADA eventually takes it down a notch and encourages more open joint… since and then numerous buns't hang these life-size conferences in person.

Blistering Topics at This Class's ADA Group meeting

In total, these 78th Knowledge base Sessions include 375 oral presentations; 2,117 card presentations, including 47 qualified posting discussions; and 297 publicised-only abstracts.

"I think this meeting is cut-edge, just supported all the information presented and the new areas we're going into," says ADA Chief Medical and Scientific Officer William Cefalu.

Journalists and bloggers traditionally undergo a word tips sheet from the ADA in the days before the event, merely most of the inside information are embargoed until the time they are announced at the conference. So we throne only give a broad-brimmed overview of what's to come:

  • Women in Diabetes: the Adenosine deaminase's President of Medicine and Skill Dr. Jane E.B. Reusch says a new go-ahead this year focuses on women in diabetes. She's likewise the consort music director of the Center for Women's Health Research at the University of Colorado – Denver, and has led the foundation of this new ADA computer programme. Information technology's dubbed the Women's Interpersonal Network of the Land Diabetes Association (Come through Adenosine deaminase), a members-only network for women working A scientisits, clinicians, and in other professional healthcare roles in that field. Dr. Reusch tells us it's a two-pronged deed aimed at supporting the careers of all women in diabetes, as comfortably as examining the science connected sexuality A a biological factor for women's health in PWDs and clinical outcomes. Currently, the ADA doesn't cause specific figures along women working in the diabetes airfield, but that's a goal for this inaugural going forward. Aside from highlighting that new research, the ADA leave exist highlight women to receive realization, and kicking sour this initiative with a symposium titled "Overcoming Gender Gaps in Science." Dr. Reusch says they also plan to prosecute nearer relationships with groups like DiabetesSisters in the future.

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  • Kids and Heart Disease: You may think heart disease is a D-complication specific to older PWDs (people with diabetes), but research is showing that kids and teens with T1D are experiencing cardiovascular (CV) disease more and more often. Yep, it's actually the guiding cause of death in youth with type 1 and is immediately connected to insulin resistance, for both lean and rotund early days. There may embody a way to address this, which bequeath equal discussed on Su good afternoon.
  • More Cardiovascular Questions: This twelvemonth's meeting will also look at CV risk and treatment in adults with both typecast 1 and type 2, with particular focus on the be-effectiveness of existing treatments. A symposium will explore a 21-year study on the subject, noting that treatments prolong life and improve outcomes, qualification them cost-effective even when the cost-per-soul appears high. Other studies show improvements with various medications, and how those translate to real-international changes for PWDs.
  • TEDDY Trial: Best-known formally as the Biological science Determinants of Diabetes in the Thomas Young, this is a major study that will show data from over 13 years that includes 8,500+ kids at risk of eccentric 1 diabetes. Dr. Cefalu tells US that Shift is one of the largest studies of its kind looking at infants World Health Organization are at the highest risk of developing the autoimmune term and examining the environmental factors that Crataegus oxycantha play a break u.
  • Veterans and Diabetes: The Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) will show window data from 15 long time, looking at macrovascular complications in more 1,300 men with type 2 diabetes who served their area. This ADA Time unit story on the study sets the arrange for the future June 24 research intro. Dr. St. Peter the Apostl Reaven of the VA Health Center in Phoenix is quoted As saying: "We know from the 10-year follow-up data that intensive glycemic control during the active treatment portion of VADT showed a statistically and clinically noteworthy advance in cardiovascular outcomes. Now that we have another cardinal years of follow-up, key questions that continue are: What's the trajectory of that benefit? Is there a bequest benefit to good glucose control? And is there evidence, one mode surgery another, about the impact of glucose control on mortality?"
  • Ajunctive T1D Therapies and SLGT Inhibitors: On Tues, we'll be watching a special symposium on pivotal run data about T1s using, as adjunctive treatments along with with insulin, the classify of drugs that include AstraZeneca's Farxiga/Forxiga, Boehringer Ingelheim's Jardiance, and Sanofi's SGLT-1/SGLT-2 inhibitor Vocabulary.
  • Activity Health: This year, the mental health and behavioural change elements of diabetes will be a big base, we're told. The head of state lecture on healthcare and education, as symptomless as another key symposium will discuss the interaction betwixt mental health and diabetes. "Astonishingly, over many years, we own failed to be able to take care of people because of genial health issues," Dr. Reusch says. "This has been a overwhelming consequence in our healthcare system, in failing people with diabetes." Thither's also a session on strategies to develop protocols for providers, likewise as the new first step with the Terra firma Psychological Association to train diabetes providers in psychological healthcare delivery.
  • BCG Vaccine Therapeutic Enquiry Update: While the second phase of her search is ongoing and years from display any results, Dr. Denise Faustman at Massachusetts Bay Colony General Hospital will provide an update from earlier parts of her work at the BCG vaccine, which she believes could atomic number 4 a generic vaccinum to reverse "high-tech" type 1 diabetes. The follow-ahead comes from the first form of research, viewing that doses of the vaccine improved A1C levels to near-normal levels and that continued for five geezerhood. We'll espouse this closely at ADA and account back on the overflowing findings once released.
  • Insulin Pricing Impact: This is the big elephant in the room, especially after the ADA published a critical white book in inchoate May. Only interestingly, on that point are not many studies or presentations along the issue of affordability and access, other than one on Fri afternoon that will account on how increasing prices have impacted PWDs' power to in effect get by their diabetes. This is a cross-sectional survey of hundreds of patients that looked at the contrastive ways cost-related issues impact insulin utilization.
  • Technology: Integrated passim the meeting is a revolve about new D-technology and the practical uses of it in the factual world. Connected Friday morning, there will be a session for HCPs to pick up approximately these tools and how to best advise patients on using them. Over the adjacent several years, there leave Be presentations on next-gen tech like the Eversense implantable CGM on teh verge of getting FDA approval, and future squinting loop systems coming soon. "The explosion of skill and techology in the branch of knowledg of diabetes is impressive and so exciting," Dr. Reusch says.

Diabetes Tech Happenings

News announcements are already hit the wire heading into the event — such as Medtronic partnering with the Nutrino nutrition app, Food and Drug Administration approval of DreaMed diabetes software for personalized insulin recommendations, and found of the  InPen perceptiveness creature — the first diabetes management report powered by a smart pen. We'll Be reporting to a greater extent inside information along all those incoming week.

We too expect to hear more about these parvenu products recently approved and/Oregon launched since last summer's conference:

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Dexcom G6: With the G6 system authorised by FDA in March and merely launched at the come out of June, this newest Dexcom CGM model will likely carry the companionship's conversation for more of the SciSessions. We expect to ascertain that on full display, as well as conversation about Medicare's amended policy allowing for smartphone use along with covered CGM devices. Many of the scientific presentations will also delve into optimum CGM use for those on multiple daily injections, so we await Dexcom to be a part of many aspects of this year's conference far beyond the Exhibit Hall.

Medtronic: The big insulin pump and CGM maker has quite a lineup available for Adenosine deaminase's SciSessions. In that respect will exist a big showing of its stand-alone Defender Connect CGM which was approved in March and just launched a week before this conference. Medtronic has also jusst announced launch of its updated iPro2 professional CGM app for healthcare professionals, which now weaves in the Nutrino Foodprint feature to offer nutrition guidance in the logging app. We'll certainly as wel get some more exhilarating updates from Medtronic's diabetes pipeline along display and existence discussed at the conference arsenic well.

OmniPod DASH: Insulet will also have its newly-approved system ready to show disconnected at the SciSessions, after the FDA approved this intersection in early June. The Frighten away makes the Omnipod tubeless pump Bluetooth-enabled and is powered by a unweathered touchscreen Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM). Aside from displaying that device on the Exhibit Hall floor, there are many symposia and sessions in which this new scheme will represent discussed.

Abbott Libre Flash: Since last class's ADA conference, the FDA in September 2017 approved the much-anticipated FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring system and that has since launched for PWDs here in U.S.A.. We checked with the company and we're told they won't have any big new announcements regular with ADA, such as bringing the LibreLink mobile app for data-sharing to the U.S. Bird thereto. But Abbott does tell us they'll cost presenting some new data side by side use of the Libre Flash.

Other D-Technical school: At that place are always surprises in the Exhibit Hall, and sometimes those have to coiffe with World Health Organization is NOT present. This year, Roche Diabetes and the data sharing app mySugr they acquired are noticeably missing from the list of exhibitors (?). Meantime, rumor has it that Tandem bicycle Diabetes Care's Prognosticative Low Glucose Debar (PLGS) technology, dubbed Radical IQ, is getting close-knit to FDA approval, along with the Cellnovo hybrid-plot pump that instantly belongs to Eli Lilly, and of course Senseonics' implantable Eversense CGM, which is matter-of-course to be approved any day now. We'll keep our eyes peeled for all this around the conference!

We'll be untaped tweeting from @DiabetesMine using the event hashtags and posting updates on our Facebook pageboy, so be bound to follow us. Also, stay tuned here for our post-league coverage, from our POV Eastern Samoa PWDs just ilk you.