
How To Repair Bose Amplifier

Bose Car Amplifier Repair?

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting and Repair' started past chopnhack, Mar 21, 2016.

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  1. I had an issue with my motorcar radio not playing whatever music whether CD or FM/AM was selected. I was able to narrow it down to the stock amplifier non working. (I disconnected amp and attached a tiny speaker to the pre-amp feeds and was able to hear music from each channel). I replaced the lacking amp with its equivalent from the junk chiliad, courtesy of E-Bay.

    I decided to crack the housing open and encounter if I could figure out what went wrong - purely academic, right?! I hateful we all savour a expert sleuth around here, no?

    I found oxidation on what I assume is the power amplifier board past a 14 pivot quad comparator LM2901N - the corrosion was found underneath and what seems to be a burnt out diode?

    Should I attempt to replace the diode and IC?


    This pict. is direct nether the IC - the 'burnt' diode is top right. It looks like information technology was a red glass barrel type smt diode, similar to the lower ane.


    Hither is a complete shot of the 'power' lath


    Here is the lath that is attached past those thin wire ribbons - I assume it is the audio processing board, as there are v IC's and there are 5 channels to this system.


    A close upward of the above IC is marked Bose.


  2. Hi John
    I would have a little clean first with some PCB cleaner. Might not be anything wrong with the IC or diode. Then have a look and replace if you experience it needs it.
  3. Thanks Adam, I did examination the diode that I thought was faulty on the dorsum side, information technology measured the aforementioned as the other diodes nearby, about .five V in one direction. Skilful advice, it may just be the corrosion causing the effect!
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